
Pregnant and Planning? Here’s What’s in my Hospital Bag

The Baby’s Almost Here…Now What to Pack?!

I must admit, the first time I packed a hospital bag, I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. That’s not to say I hadn’t read books, consulted with my doula, taken newborn CPR and prenatal yoga. I had. I just couldn’t quite comprehend the life change that was impending.

We didn’t get to the hospital in a flurry because at 35 weeks, I was flagged and sent to the perinatologist. My stomach wasn’t growing as it should have and it turns out, Elle’s wasn’t either. We were told to come back at 37 weeks and if they weren’t happy with the growth, I would be induced. It turns out they were happy with Elle’s growth, but as I was walking out I mentioned in passing that at times I didn’t feel her move for long stretches. Apparently those were the magic words (i.e. an early indication of infant stress) and I was scheduled for an induction that evening. I had a bag packed but also had time to go home and ensure I had everything I thought I needed.

This time, having been through the process, I feel like I have more of a handle on what to bring so I thought I’d share what’s making the cut. What I can’t comment on (yet) is what it will be like to bring a baby into the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. I will share what I learn as the baby arrives and after delivery for all the mamas who are expecting later in the spring, summer and fall.

Full list (a printable version too!) and links below:

Hospital Bag Packing Essentials

What’s in My Bag for Labor & Delivery

  1. Pillow
  2. Pajamas (when I was induced, I spent the night as they kicked off the process, but didn’t need to change into a hospital gown until the following morning)
  3. Socks
  4. Bedside Makeup Bag with Lotion, Lip Gloss, Mascara, Brush, Vitamins/Meds
  5. Toiletry Bag with Hair Dryer, Shampoo, Conditioner (again, because I spent the night I showered prior to starting Pitocin in the morning) and Makeup
  6. Phone Charger / Laptop / Computer Charger / iPad / Camera
  7. Magazines
  8. Gifts for the Nurses (Cups + Gift Cards)

What’s in My Bag for After Baby’s Arrival

  1. Pajamas (4)
  2. Bathrobe (3)
  3. Slippers
  4. Nursing Bras
  5. Nursing Pillow
  6. Pump / Pump Parts / Pumping Bra / Sanitizing Bag / Instructions
  7. Cotton Undies (For the Trip Home, If You’re Over the Mesh Hospital Pairs)
  8. Sweater
  9. Going Home Outfit 

What I’m Bringing for Baby

  1. His Own Duffle
  2. Comfy Cotton Gowns (3) / Hats / Mittens
  3. Newborn Nest
  4. Swaddle Me + Ollie Swaddle (Makes Life Easier) / Instructions Just in Case
  5. Pacifiers (Just in Case / For the Ride Home)
  6. Take-Home Outfit
  7. Blanket for Ride Home

Other Things to Consider

  1. Cord Blood Kit (If You’re Donating)
  2. Car Seat (We Will Leave Ours in the Car Until It’s Time to Go)
  3. Hospital Pre-Registration Forms
  4. Any Post-Baby Information You Need for Work Benefits

How to Pack

My plan is as follows:

  1. Garment Bag of Pajamas and Bathrobes
  2. Personal Items (Undies, Slippers, Toiletries) in a Duffle Bag, Packed in Cubes
    • Post-Baby Things on Bottom of Duffle
  3. Purse with Laptop + Chargers
  4. Tote Bag(s) of Bigger Items (Pump, Nursing Pillow, Pillow, Nurses Gifts, etc.)


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