February has arrived and it’s one of my favorites as it’s very pink, frilly, and feminine and because the month starts with my daughter Elle’s birthday. Elle has been one of my biggest sources of inspiration, from rekindling my love of bows (she wore one every day from birth and we had a “no bow, no go” mantra) to being born on the fifth like me, and inspiring the name of my blog. Elle’s first birthday was my initial foray into party styling which is another passion of mine and her eighth birthday was just as fun to work on, but this time I brought in an expert to help (more on that soon). I was in a bit of a creative rut at the start of January but planning Elle’s sweet celebration and being able to enjoy it with everyone we love inspired brings a renewed sense of joy. My mood board for this month nods to these themes and more that is to come: party planning (think Valentine’s day and George’s second), interiors (you may be surprised by this one), spring break somewhere warm and, you guessed it, bows, of the pink gingham variety. Below, my creative focus for the month, and if you want to see it come to life, head to Instagram.
You may remember I went to Nashville for the Antique and Garden show, but the real reason for my trip was to pick up Elle’s birthday gift – a custom dollhouse. It’s the perfect piece, sourced by Jess from Thrills of the Hunt. We will begin to decorate it as time goes on and I’m drawing inspiration from the precious interior design card you can see on my mood board (one I snagged @jkathryninteriors last spring). She has the loveliest taste and Elle and I can’t wait to add all things frilly and sweet to her new home.
Party Planning
Elle’s birthday was a labor of love, but she is worth it and so much more! Together with Anne of Clafoutis Events, I planned a Harry Potter party (her favorite) but made it pretty. It was a soft, girly take Hogwarts…truly a grandmillennial or coquette gal’s dream. We had such a lovely time and it reminded me why I love planning and hosting events so much. Stay tuned for another post this week where I go more into depth about how we made this dream party come together here!
Spring Break
I can’t believe it but spring break is coming up. I am trying to set the tone for an amazing upcoming trip by including sea shells we have collected on beaches past and some of my favorite family photos. Take a peek at my guides to Sea Island and Palm Beach if you are planning on heading to either this year!
Pink Gingham
Pink gingham is living rent-free in my head right now. From an amazing pink gingham gown (hint at a new project!) to doing the bow trend my way, you will see the pink gingham all month!
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