
Birthday Gifts for the Littles in Your Life

If you too are on the birthday party circuit, read on! Gifts that you can buy ahead of time are one of my major mom unlocks since inevitably we’re invited to a party that I’ve somehow forgotten about and need a quick birthday present. Rather than reinventing the wheel, I focus on customized, elevated or practical gifts. If you’re celebrating lots of littles lately too, I listed my favorite gift ideas by age group so you’re covered for the next 10-12 years ;).

Jennings turned four this year, still so hard to believe. Highly recommend these balloons to bring to any little ones birthday – so fun!

Almost every weekend my dining room table becomes a gift wrapping station. So, if you’re looking for gift wrap ideas too, I’ve got you covered here.

Baby Gift Ideas

If we’re being realistic, most gifts for babies under three years are more for their parents. While I was sure to include some sweet toys for baby, practical items like swaddles, bibs, and pacifier holders reign supreme. The key to making these items fun gifts is finding the cutest version of each – so that’s what I did.

Swaddles and Sleep Sacks

Every parent knows you can’t have enough of these. Bonus points for a pretty pattern.

Plush Toys

A sweet stuffed toy could end up being a gift they have for a long time. Add a package of mini birthday hats and you’ve got one of my favorite cute takes on this gift.

The Necessities

Pacifier holders, sweaters, onesies, bibs, etc.

Toddler Gift Ideas

I love this age because it’s when their unique interests start to develop. Whether it be music, playing house, “cooking” with you, etc. each kid has their own thing so I like to play into whatever that may be when gifting at this age.

Toniebox and Tonies

My boys are more than obsessed with their Toniebox. They’re a bit more pricey so you can either split this gift with someone or, if they already have the box, buy a Tonies or two instead.

Interactive Toys Based on Interest

Think play tea sets, golf clubs, or cooking aprons for the kids who already have their favorite hobbies. We also got the cutest sports guys sets for Jennings and his buddies last year and they’re a big hit.

Classic Books

Introduce them to the classics that can be read over and over again. Make it more special by purchasing a customizable version or hand-writing a note.

Big Kid Gift Ideas

Entering the big kid to pre-teen years can be tricky when it comes to gifting. Usually, they’ll be more specific but if you don’t have a list to choose from and want to play it safe I have some widely loved items listed below.

Stanley Cup

This may sound unexciting to us, but Elle just got her first Stanley cup a few weeks ago, and safe to say she was over the moon with excitement.

Sports Gear

If the littles in your life love sports, new gear is such an easy gift that they are sure to love.

Fun Self-Care Products

Skincare and makeup are all the rage with pre-teens right now. I suggest playing into this with more kid-friendly products like bath bombs, beauty headbands, etc as not to overstep.

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